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The Offer 🫴

Unto man has been given,
an offer, to choose.
Light or darkness,
we accept or refuse.

All are born,
into darkness at birth.
Regardless your geography,
regardless your worth.

The sin of one,
brought darkness to all.
Adam's poor choice,
had brought mans fall.

 Satan believed he had rotted,
 the very apple of God's eye.
For all of these fruits,
would now, surely die.

And though death had come,
to now claim the flesh.
Light was dispatched,
to renew us afresh.

An offer from One,
Who was an Offering for all.
The Light of the Son,
still offers, life eternal for all.

Choice is still ours,
on this globe of blue.
Jesus the Light,
and His offer stands true.

"Come unto me
and I will give you rest."
For all who chose light,
they've chosen The Best.

So will it be light,
or darkness for you?
The offer still stands!

