God, do You remember me? From a few years back ? I was doing pretty good, as a Christian... as a matter of fact. I know... I said then, we would talk a lot more. I guess I haven't did much, to improve our rapport. I kind of stopped reading, and praying each day. Before long I was back to my old sinful ways. In case You didn't notice, but the... sin found me. Every club that I went to, it just wouldn't let me be. So as You guessed, I finally gave in. Many times I wanted to call You, But I was too ashamed, Because of my sin. I kept telling myself, well, God understands! He knows that I'm weak, I'm only a man. Someone finally told me, all Christians fall. They just don't stay down, because... they know Who to call. I just thought my actions, were worse than most. Because mine began as good , then kinda bad... then not even close. B...
This blog is primarily Christian poetry, with a few articles tucked in, it's intent is to inspire, encourage, and comfort, any and all...GODSPEED to all who read.