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Showing posts from April 17, 2011

The Prodigal

God, do You remember me? From  a few years back ? I was doing pretty good, as a Christian... as a matter of fact. I know... I said then, we would talk a lot more. I guess I haven't did much,  to improve our rapport. I kind of stopped reading, and praying each day. Before long I was back to my old sinful ways. In case You didn't notice, but the... sin found me. Every club that I went to, it just wouldn't let me be. So as You guessed, I finally gave in. Many times I wanted to call You, But I was too ashamed,  Because of my sin. I kept telling myself, well, God understands! He knows that I'm weak, I'm only a man. Someone finally told me, all Christians fall. They just don't stay down, because...  they know Who to call. I just thought my actions, were worse than most. Because mine began as good ,  then kinda bad...  then not even close. B...


Is there anything in life,  More feared than death! Even the forgotten and cast down, Still draw breath!  Do we fear death? For the sake of the unknown! Or is it simply the idea, That all leave alone! The Bible says, fear and punishment Go hand and hand! For all who reject, Christ,  The Son of Man! But for the Christian, Deaths legs are now lame! For as the Apostle Paul told Christians, “To die is gain!” Yes all our lives  Will cease one day! It seems so inconceivable to man, By their earthly ways! Many act as if, Death will never come! But let me assure you,  death visits all, Not just some! Most fear death,  Because they know not what awaits! Will it be hell? Or the pearly gates! Christians know! When their life ends! The time they have longed for, Finally begins! So grieve not for Christians, Who draw their last breath! For though death may have come!  With Jes...

Spiritual Health?

 Man has always sought, extravagant things. Hoping for fulfillment, in the moments they bring. Some live to obtain, only material's, and wealth. These are not concerned, with their spiritual health. The wants of man, have always exceeded his needs. The same is true, for his words and his deeds. Man is still full,  of the lust of the eye. But all our earthly toys stay here, on the day that we die. Have you laid up treasures, where the thief doesn't roam? Or are they simply the things, that clutter your home? Do we build gods in the wilderness, made of our own gold? While we worship our works, and forsake our soul?