In every corner of this world, There lies dry bones! Where zeal once burned, The gone! ☠ Some grew dry, From the world's worries and cares. Others gave in when burdens, Seemed to heavy too bare! ☠ "Son of man, Can these dry bones live again?" Can zeals fire rekindle, Deep from within? ☠ Though there be flesh upon them, Where they now reside. The peace of that fire, Is missing inside. ☠ Bones that now snap, From brittle ways. Can they again be oiled, In these last days? ☠ Only the Lord knows, If these bones will live again! But His fire awaits those, Willing... to be, Caught up in Him! 🔥
This blog is primarily Christian poetry, with a few articles tucked in, it's intent is to inspire, encourage, and comfort, any and all...GODSPEED to all who read.