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Showing posts from December 10, 2023

The Way

Did you know, One day, we're going to see, Sights the mind couldn't ever even dream? Did you know, One day we're going know peace, Unfathomable to the human existence? Did you know, One day we're never going to be,  tired again? Did you know, We're going to hear sounds, Never heard on the earth? Did you know, Sickness and pain, Can never visit us again? Did  know, We're going to see all, That GOD has created? Did you know, We're going to be perfect, At what GOD has created us for? Did you know, The sights and sounds, Won't even compare, To being in His presence? Oh yeah, you knew, Because you know Him. But if you don't know Him, You need too! Because if you don't, You can't go where we're going. You see Jesus isn't just the answer, He's The Way!

60 Seconds In Hell

If I could take you on a one minute, Journey through hell. Where the souls of those,  Who rejected dwell. If I could show you what separation,  From God really means! And how that separation, Is much worse than the punishment,  that it deems! If I could show you, Why... the worm dies not. You see every deed and opportunity! It's never forgot! If I could show you every moment, God called out to you by name. And how those moments, Will haunt you in the flame! If I could show you, Why those there weep. Not just because of their sin. But they relive every moment, God called...and they rejected Him! Maybe could appreciate, The reason Jesus came! To take our sins and, Rescue us...from the flame! If I could show you these things, I would show you right away! For you see not one of us, Is promised yet ... another day!

The Offer 🫴

Unto man has been given, an offer, to choose. Light or darkness, we accept or refuse. All are born, into darkness at birth. Regardless your geography, regardless your worth. The sin of one, brought darkness to all. Adam's poor choice, had brought mans fall.  Satan believed he had rotted,  the very apple of God's eye. For all of these fruits, would now, surely die. And though death had come, to now claim the flesh. Light was dispatched, to renew us afresh. An offer from One, Who was an Offering for all. The Light of the Son, still offers, life eternal for all. Choice is still ours, on this globe of blue. Jesus the Light, and His offer stands true. "Come unto me and I will give you rest." For all who chose light, they've chosen The Best. So will it be light, or darkness for you? The offer still stands!

Treasure in the Field

Is there a treasure, hidden in open sight? One with the ability, to change a life, overnight? Is there something more precious, than silver and gold? More rare than diamonds and emeralds, with value untold? A man came upon this treasure, in another mans field. Longing to possess it, he laid down his will. Selling all that he had, to own this treasure. He sought it's possession, beyond any measure. As he found and acquired, with all that he had! Many around him, declared him as mad . "Have you lost your mind, there is nothing there. All that you own, is just thin air!" But the faith of the owner, never embraced any doubt. As a matter of fact, he offered this treasure, to those round about. At the death of the owner, his treasure was great. His rewards were many,  because of his faith. The world will tell you, there is no treasure here. But the bodies of doubt, can neither see nor hear. So what is this treasure, of eternal pr...

Get Aboard

Get aboard,  Is The Word from The Lord. Waste no more time, Get aboard! The season, is now at hand. The time is short, For the time of man. Get aboard. Don't be left, In a time of discord.  Uncertaint of your own end, Get aboard! Deathbed confessions,  No more can you afford.  The time is coming,  Get aboard! Would you rather see, Wrath by the Hand of The Lord? The invitation is open, Get aboard! Only Seven believed Noah, Had a Word from The Lord. The rest only wished, They had gotten aboard! Get Aboard!