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Showing posts from December 11, 2022

The Atheist Pledge 😉

 I pledge to only believe in  science and the things I can see with my own eyes. Things like, Wind and Gravity,  and the Oxygen I breathe. Things of sound science like DNA code writing itself. Not just in humans, but in  everything else also. You see faith is a crutch for the weak, and you see science doesn't require faith, that's why we have theories. We can't prove them, but we believe them anyway. Sound scientific doctrines that never tries to shove fantasies down people's throats like a lightning bolt hitting a protein in the ocean and it turning into a man over millions of years. I mean we're talking about rock hard proof here. And no we don't care where the lighting, the ocean and protein came from...we haven't got that far. We're just sticking to the hard science like chickens evolving from dinosaurs. And you can take our word for it, there is nothing in this universe but us chickens.  😉