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Jesus... Where Are You?

                                            So, where is Jesus when the mountains are tall? When bad turns to worse, and we feel abandoned by all? Has The Lord thrown up His hands,  and just walked off? Are we alone in our struggle? As the onlookers scoff. Look back with me, if you will. To the center cross, on Golgotha's hill. His friends now scattered, His Father withdrawn. His adversary rejoicing, as the crowd jeered on. Mine and your sins,  laid at His feet. With a chance to come down, He chose no retreat. Does this sound like someone,  who would abandon His own? Turn His back on family, as they battle alone. So where is The Lord, when the mountains are tall? He's standing right behind us, so we won't..... fall.  
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The Story of Two Trees

Long ago, in a paradise, Now lost! Stood a tree of good and evil, With but one rule,  Do not eat of that tree, at any cost.   One man, one woman, One garden to tend! But not long thereafter, Satan entered in.   Satan’s words, Were cunning, deceiving and sly! Convincing Eve, To believe a lie!   Three in the garden,  Two bad choices, one by one! Paradise lost! Now there were none.   Paradise lost, Meant man was too. Exiled from the garden, With no way back, what was man to do?   Though man be lost, GOD knew what He must do. Plant another tree that would not fall.  One that could cover, All that will answer its call!   This tree would not be lavish,  Or pleasing to the eye. The purpose of this tree, Was entirely to die!   Time went on, Until one night in another garden. GOD’s plan took root, For man’s full pardon!   This second tree was now ready, To be planted on a hill. As Jesus himself prayed, Not my, but Thy will!   They planted the tree on Golgotha’s hill, For less than a day! But it

A Stop in Time

Time continues, As our days wind down. Tick toc, time's very words, tick toc, Time's only sound. But time itself is on the clock, For it too has an end. For time had a birth, On the day of man's sin. The Angel will declare, That time is no more. As he puts one foot on the water, And one on the shore. Yes, time has an end, Just like you and I. And like all of us who are born, One day, we die. Time is not to be counted on forever, Time is only for today. Time runs just like the rivers, Passing where we stand, But always moving away. Unlike us,  Time has no soul, Its simply the gatekeeper, For the young and the old. Make well of your time, For you both shall pass. Treat each day you're given, As it were your last.

Almost There!

 I sat down the other day, And examined my scars of old. Not the outside variety,  But those of my soul. The ones you never show, Or at least try not to. It was then I realized,  I'm almost through! Almost home, Almost to a point. That this life, Is almost gone! Oh yes,  There's been scars to bear. And they've come from every corner,  Of life, seemingly everywhere.  But I'm almost home,  almost there! Almost to the place, They can’t touch me there! No more memories of pain, To torment my mind. No more cracks in the armor, From the battle lines! No more wounds so deep, To remind me of my falls. No more missing the mark, All the times I was called.  No more disabilities, To limit my scope. And no more doubt,  To rob my hope! No more will those things, Call my name. Or have any say, Cause any shame.  Because I'm almost home Almost there! Just past that bend, My place is there. If I arrive before you, I'll save you a chair. Just remember,  Jesus is the only way, We

Supernatural Moments on Amazon

My new book is available on Amazon and free on Kindle Unlimited.  Highlight to open link.

My Adult Ads Fight With Twitter X

I recently had a birthday, over fifty now, cough, cough 😆,and I noticed the ads on my X Timeline had changed from normal everyday products to graphic ads for erectile dysfunction. And when I say graphic, I mean graphic. I'm like, where did this come from? Is X changing it's formula for ads due to the bigger companies pulling advertising? And there is probably some truth in that assumption, but that wasn't it completely. Then it dawned on me, I had, had a birthday, and in marketing's eyes I was now an old man, and I am, but not that old!  So I had the bright idea to go into settings and change my birth year to get rid of the ads. Harmless enough, no one cares about it but me right? Well, I was correct that did do it, it got rid of all the ED ads, but I changed my year to reflect me as a thirty five year old man, and like I said that got rid of the graphic ED ads. I chose thirty five thinking what could possibly be broken at thirty five, right? But I didn't think abo

The Saltiness of the Believer

Time has a way, Of decomposing all things. Be they mineral or organic, Time is the culprit,  For the rot that it brings. Ship’s made to sustain, An enemies torpedo shot! Lay at the bottom of the ocean, Engulfed in rot! Planes that once flew, Record heights. Now sit rusting alone Incapable of flight! Much is lost, To time and rot. For when one is not preserved, Time demands, that they be forgot! The Bible tells Christians, “You are the salt of the earth.” But if we lose of our savor, Then what are we worth? Salt preserves, Though the saltless rot! Salt leaves a taste after it’s gone, The saltless does not. Are we that taste Not soon to be forgotten? Or have we lost our saltiness, Like the tasteless and rotten? We are called to add taste, To any situation.  Not to throw in with the crowd,  Or chase our temptations.  So if things seem a bit,  Rotten or bland. Just remember, Add some taste,  right where you stand! #GODLo

Seeing As You Have Been Seen

  I bet all of you know this verse.  1 Corinthians 13:12 (ESV) 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. Look around the room, does the view appear dim?  No...  Well it is, I know we have been conditioned to filter our view on things of the earth, by the only sight we currently have. You see, (pardon the pun) in our current body's we see what it's seeing, but the day is coming when this old view will be remembered as utterly dim. How do I know this?  Those are Paul's words. Read the verse again, slowly, "For now we see in a mirror dimly" , what does dimly imply? A limited view, not seeing as plainly as possible, unable to view what is actually there. That last one is very interesting, unable to view what is actually there.  Do you remember when you were baptized? Did you try to peek up through the water?  I did, but I was baptized in a river, no chlorine, but my view wa

Why the Rapture Argument is Actually Grace vs Wrath

  Is the Rapture Pre-Tribulation or not? The part of the world I grew up in never asked the question above, it was always pre-trib, I can honestly say that the times I spent fellowshipping with Baptist, Pentecostals, Methodist, and Independent brethren, down through the years, this question rarely if ever, came up. If that were the case today, I wouldn’t be writing this. I am amazed at the number of good brothers and sisters that embrace the theory of the post trib rapture. Now some may say what difference does it make anyway?  It doesn’t make any difference if the church of Jesus Christ is appointed to wrath, if it’s not it makes a serious difference. So what’s the truth?  To say that truth is relative to a point of view is error. Truth is never relative, it doesn’t have first cousins, aunts or uncles, it is what it is, and it stands solely by itself. So if it truly stands by itself, why are so many confused by truth? More times than not it is simply one word, context! To take somethi

Is America The Daughter of Babylon, 10 Questions?

To all who read this, please be aware, this is not one of those arm twisting dogmatic, I’m right and everyone else is wrong type of apologetics theory! This is simply a question that you and I must answer after examining the facts that we have, from, our current culture here in America, and what the Holy Scripture teaches us about the defining marks of the end time Babylon. The reader must come to their own conclusion; my goal is to simply present the facts that exist in both.  I ask you the reader, to ask questions about each of these characteristics of Babylon, such as could this be the Catholic Church as many have believed. Could it be Italy, or modern day Babylon in Iraq, do these entities fit into these Scriptures, could it even be Turkey or modern day Israel? Weigh these theories against what scripture says, not what you have always been told and taught, for many a good man and woman of God have shared many opinions on these subjects down through time, but none of the

What Happens Between the Rapture and the Tribulation?

Were you taught like me, that just as soon the Rapture takes place, the Tribulation will begin?  It's a very popular teaching and has been for over a hundred years. There is just one problem with it, the Bible doesn't say that, as a matter of fact the Bible is silent on the window of time in between the two. It could start the next day, it could start the next year, it could start the next decade, we just don't know. It's not laid out like the seven year's of the Tribulation. Even though it is a seven year calendar of events, it's the last three and half years where things go really bad as GOD begins to pour out His wrath. Now, to the question will people even notice we're gone in that time period? Some say no, I say yes, but where they think we're gone is a whole nother question. But I'm getting ahead of myself, let me slow down, and get back to what the Bible does say. It says that "the Tribulation" starts when the man of sin, signs a sev