In our Christian lives,
We seek glimpses of God.
We seek the tangible touch,
Like a lighting rod.
We seek a presence and power
We cannot explain!
We seek the wonders of His hand,
Brought by His Name!
Can we become like Jacob?
Camped at a well!
Not satisfied by who we are,
In this flesh that we dwell?
Could we meet God?
Upon His ground!
And be willing to be changed by Him,
That our lives...
are not what He found!
Would we hold on To Him?
Not willing to let go!
Until what we were before,
Not longer showed!
Would we be willing,
To die to what we are?
To be reborn,
With a hip,
disfigured and scared!
No longer could we be,
or even walk the same!
For to encounter Him...
Upon His ground,
leaves the flesh as lame!
Upon His ground!
And be willing to be changed by Him,
That our lives...
are not what He found!
Would we hold on To Him?
Not willing to let go!
Until what we were before,
Not longer showed!
Would we be willing,
To die to what we are?
To be reborn,
With a hip,
disfigured and scared!
No longer could we be,
or even walk the same!
For to encounter Him...
Upon His ground,
leaves the flesh as lame!