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Just Past the Bend

In life we know,
that death must come.
And yes, it comes for all,
not just some.

Since I've gone first,
please don't cry.
For now my home,
is beyond the sky.

I no longer have worries,
or any pain.
There is no stress here,
or any strain.

Why the only thing missing here,
is you my friend.
But there's a mansion,
 reserved in your name,
Just Past the Bend.

You won't disappoint me,
if you're a little late.
Up here, it hardly seems,
like having to wait.

Tell all who'll listen,
that Jesus is the key.
For without Him,
they can't come,
 with you and me.

I won't say goodbye,
 because I'll see you again.
You see my mansion is next door,
Just Past the Bend.
