Is fruit borne,From just limbs and leaves?Or is there something deeper,Amongst the trees?Do all fruit trees bear?Do all limbs bloom?What determines it's production,And what determines how soon?Far beneath the top of the tree,Sits a foundation hidden from sight.Of which no beauty is a part.For far beneath the layers of earth,Is the root, that is it's heart.It's to the heart,That proper nutrients must be led.Long before even a bloom,The heart must be fed.The more the heart is fed,Growth races about.Even the tree's surrounding it realize,Fruits about to sprout.The journey of fruit,Never begins up high.No, fruit comes from a foundation,Where it's environment aides it'sFormation.Fruit will never just appear,Fruit is a journey, sometimes years.There will be no fruits,Without times of feedingWithout times of soaking the roots.You may see buds,You may see shoots.But without regular feeding,There will be no fruits.Have you watered today🌳