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Where is China and America in the end times?

I get asked from time to time, where is America in End Times Bible prophecy? I always answer, it's mentioned, it's called Babylon. I won't go into why I believe that here, there is actually an article I wrote called, "Is America Babylon 10 Question?", detailing why I say that, it details why I believe America is one of the Babylons. But that's not what this article is about completely. This actually addresses what leads up that Babylon ending for America. This is about another question I have been asked recently, where is China in the End Times? I actually believe the two are intertwined.

I know as a young man growing up in the seventies and eighties, many taught China was the two hundred million man army mentioned in Revelation 9:16.
That doesn't appear to likely considering China has currently less than three million people in there total military. That's a huge disparity, as the days grow closer to what will be The Day of the Lord.
Let me say this before I go any further, this is all conjecture, I have no more inside information than you do, what we all do who study the End Times is attempt to connect the dots.
This is for better or worse, one man's conjecture.
I don't personally believe the 200 million mentioned in Revelation 9 are mortal men; and I am not alone in that opinion, many of the classic commentaries, written as far back as the mid nineteenth century saw these as a two hundred million demonic hoard. If you read Joel chapter two you will see why they believe that, the abilities described of the soldiers, leads one to believe these are not mortal men.
Also if you do the math, placing a literal horse and rider nose to tail throughout the land acreage of Israel, for two hundred million, it would fill up the country of Israel seven and a half times, and that's shoved in nose to tail. It would literally fill up every square inch of the state of Wisconsin, placed nose to tail, even there. Not to mention as I write this article in the summer of 2021, there are less 60 million horses, on the planet Earth... So those aren't mortals.
Well if that enormous army isn't China, where is China?
Go with me if you will back to the book of Ezekiel, chapter 38, one of the most popular chapters in the Bible. Here we find Gog leading the army of Magog (Russia)and his followers down into Israel or any territory they may gained leading up to this invasion, in what they believe will be an easy victory for Magog and his band of nation's. They are headed down to take a spoil or a prey, in other words, they are going down to steal.
I personally believe they are going down to literally steal the land of Israel or any territory they may have amased, and put it under the control of the Palestinians, while holding onto it's natural resources for themselves. I believe that is their intentions for this massive invasion. And their plan is to eradicate the Jews along the way. But GOD, has other plans, and only one in six of this total coalition will be left alive according to Ezekiel 39.
GOD is going to handle this battle personally, hail, torrential rains, armies turning on each other, mass confusion, mass death.
"Thou shalt fall upon the open field: for I have spoken it, saith The Lord GOD." Ez.39:5
Magog (Russia) knows the United States will never allow this planned invasion to take place, this invasion will literally mean world war three. By then though Russia, with a hook in their jaw, will have no choice, so before they go, they must make sure that America is not able do anything about it, and they will strike the USA with all their nuclear might. They may most likely have help in the form of the Chinese, in this attack on America; but if they are in this together, they won't be able to trust one another anymore once the launching begins, because both will know of each other, if they did this to the Americans; we're probably next, so we might as well get rid of them while they're not expecting it.
Some will say, that's interesting conjecture, but what in the world would lead you to believe such doomsday event is even possible?
My answer to that is found again in Revelation chapter 9:18
"By these three was the third part of mankind killed, by the fire and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths."
Just so happens that if you add up the population of China, Russia, and the United States, you get right at thirty three percent of the world's population, one third, these are pre-rapture numbers I'm giving you.
Yes, I am a rapture believer, and I actually believe all the above happens between the rapture and the coming to power of the antichrist. There will be a window of time between the two, it's an indefinite window, but a window nonetheless. The longer the window, the worse things will get, and thus the need for the man of sin who is going to bring peace to the world.
Getting back to our three way exchange, that will thin out the population dramatically if correct, it will also answer some questions many have wondered for a long time, like what will the judgement be on nation's who have been inherently evil and corrupting?
Russia's (Magog) fate will be sealed with the attempted invasion, Ezekiel 39:6 “And I will send a fire on Magog, and among them that dwell carelessly in the isles: and they shall know that I am the  LORD."
It is obvious Russia is destroyed by fire, nuclear fire I suspect, but it could be the literal fire of GOD, either way, lets read the end of that verse again, " them that dwell carelessly in the isles?" The word carelessly here translates, of false confidence. It is not obvious who these are, but it is obvious that more than Magog burns that day.
With these three superpowers now gone, the antichrist negotiates a peace deal with Israel. Ever wonder why he does that?
Why does he need little Israel in a peace deal? Why doesn't he go ahead and attack them, with all the nation's that are left?
"Major Conjecture Warning"; could it be that Israel is one of the very last, if not the last, nuclear power in the world?
All the big guns are presumably gone, Israel would literally own the Middle East militarily. But, they have always wanted peace with their Arab cousin's.
China, Russia (Magog), and the United States (Babylon), have received their judgement in one day, for all the evil and corruption they have poured out for hundreds of years, and all that's left primarily is the countries we have read about in Scripture.
But hey, that's just conjecture, that's just connecting the dots, and it won't matter one bit to all who know Jesus as Saviour, because we won't be around if it happens this way.
Don't stick around to see if I got it wrong, if you don't know Jesus, today is the day to introduce yourself to Him.
I hope this one man's opinion will encourage you to get into researching the end times in the Bible. Because the days ahead will grow darker and crazier. And you need and you need to be aware of why.
With that let me leave you with a quote from one of my personal heroes the late Dr. Billy Graham, concerning America.
"If GOD doesn't punish America He will have to apologise to Sodom and Gomorrah." Billy Graham.

