23rd ….There’s been a lot of speculation about this date since Scott
Clarke discovered the celestial alignment several years ago. Down through the
years I have watched several of Scott’s videos and they are very well done, his
teachings on Hebrew culture and history are top notch.
He has spent many, many
years in studying, and is a fine teacher, I like Scott, and I believe he has
shook up the world with his discovery.
do I believe Saturday is the rapture…no I don’t, and by the way Scott doesn’t
say it is either, what he says is that it could be because of all the
indicators point to this very year and that is the moment that in the celestial
that the king planet or male child (Jupiter representing the Church) is born.
have taken Scott’s discovery and ran with it, creating an Apocalypse scenario
on Saturday; even Fox News had a story on the end of the world on the 23rd.
I hope the rapture is Saturday? Sure I do, as a matter of fact I hope its
tomorrow, or Monday or next Wednesday or Friday… you get my drift!
as ready to go as everybody else, but I believe we still have some work to do!
if the sign is not the rapture, what is it?
personal opinion is this; it’s the most prominent prophetic sign in fifty
years. The last one to gain this type of worldwide exposure was Israel
reclaiming Jerusalem in the Six Day War.
so happens it’s exactly 50 years since that event, or exactly one Jubilee period
since then, now you see why I think it’s a prominent sign.
if it’s a prophetic sign…whats it mean?
don’t have a clue, but down deep inside I don’t believe it’s a good sign for
the world, and especially for Israel. Because remember the Bible says “the
signs” are for the Jews not the Gentiles. And this sign just happens to
culminate on a High Holy Day in Israel…I.G. the Jews.
what’s that mean for the rest of us…again I don’t have a clue, and I don’t
think anyone on this globe of blue, does either.
we do know is that we are in the end times, the winding down of the Age of
Grace, exactly where on that timetable I’m not sure, and I’m not alone in that,
some of the best Prophecy teachers in modern times don’t know either.
we getting ready to witness something of great magnitude worldwide in the
coming days or weeks?
My personal guess is yes, but what…we shall
have to wait and see.
love you!