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The Road Continues.....

This journey of mine,
Started many years ago!
I began as a true blank page,
Very little did I know?

Along the way, I’ve traveled,
Hills high, and valleys deep!
I’ve saw mans very best,
And I’ve saw things to make you weep.

But the road continues on,
To places I’ve never gone.
Traveling all the while,
But never traveling alone.

This journey calls all men,
Not just some celebrated few.
For the honor is not the journey,
Rather the honor is…
 In whom we are called to!

Should one of us pass,
Before we meet on this blue ball.
I'll see you on the other side,
But until then let us answer our call.

So travel on fellow travelers,
Though here our paths may not cross.
You see, God sent you one direction,
And me another.
But both to find the lost!

Shalom Fellow Traveler

